Down my Alley

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Memorial Day break

I really enjoy extended weekends. In fact, I would love to get a job where I don't work, but still get paid. That would be wonderful. Anyway, I'm not going to hold my breath on that and just in case, I think I'll go ahead and finish up my PharmD.

Thoughts on the Indy 500. Wow, that was a great race. Lots of passing, especially for the lead. A swell job by Danica Patrick, but if you expected less, shame on you. That chick can race. Racing is definitely, not a sport that people should get all crazy about a lady doing well. If the girl can drive, then let her run, and don't complain about it. I'll admit though, I did get tired of all the publicity that she got.

Saw Star Wars episode III again tonight. This time with the parents. The movie still rocks and I still would like to watch all the Star Wars saga in order. The stuff is frickin' sweet.

Tomorrow promises to be a good day too. Breakfast buffet, bowling (play with a new toy), and then a trip back to Indy (I might stick around and get supper out of the deal before headed north). I enjoy this no work and all play stuff. Man it's great.

Someone figure out how I can do this for a career, because I would really rock at it.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Updates galore

Alrighty, here it is again, the next update on the life of me. I am sure most of you were waiting with anticipation. As usual, I will update in the list format.

1. The new Star Wars movie is phenomonal. It is awesome. It has more action than the other Star Wars movies combined. It truly is a perfect set-up for the original 3 movies. After watching it, I immediately wanted to watch it again. And moreso, wanted to watch the movies in succession. I highly recommend this movie to all people.

2. Speaking of Star Wars, my brother informed me that a new Star Wars Battlefront game is coming out sometime before Christmas. If it is half a cool as the original, it will be a great game.

3. Speaking of video games, I saw a commercial for another Medal of Honor video game. This excites me. I love the Medal of Honor game series. There's another $50 I'll want to be spending.

4. Rotations are going good. I've enjoyed this one alot. It's been easy, but allows me to learn what hospital pharmacy is all about. In fact, if the life of a staff pharmacist was going to be mine, then I would give hospital pharmacy a serious look.

5. Memorial day weekend. I have a 5 day weekend. Friday I vegged. Today I worked at CVS, Tomorrow is the race (Indy 500), then home for Monday and Tuesday. Then the final 3 days of my rotation.

So, I believe that's all for me. I may update in the next couple of days, since I'll be at home with cable modem and hi-speed internet access. Gotta love it.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Another week gone by

I have several things to tell you today, so I won't dilly-daddle with useless, meaningless, pointless, babble here at the start of this post. No reason to type things that are unimportant and make you read it. That would just waste my time in typing it, and your time in reading it, and nobody ( and I mean nobody) wants that. So without further ado and no more wasted time, here's the important stuff:

1. Week 2 of rotations went well. I kinda wish all rotations were like this one (switch the focus and whatnot, but keep it this easy). Oh, well, 2 weeks remain (only 7 working days though, kinda cool).

2. NCAA March madness was resumed here recently. I finished my 5th season at 33-2. Won the Big 12 season title, conference tourney, and then the NCAA tourney (from a 2 seed). Now it was no cake walk, I beat the #1 team in the country (Air Force) and then Arizona (the team that beat me in the prior NCAA championship game....and I only won by 2 this time). But anyway, I won. I had a great recruiting class coming in (all five are 6 star players), but my entire lineup is returning from last season, so the freshmen won't get much PT, then they will get mad and transfer at the end of the season....only time will tell.

3. Spending this Friday/Saturday down in Corydon with my brother. Played video games last night, will play more today, and go see Star Wars III. I can't wait. Everything I've heard is that this movie is fricking sweet. I'm sure I'll post with my thoughts/comments on it.

OK, I do believe that is all for now. I'm gonna go and kill a video game, not real life, don't get all worried now.

Have a great one!!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

A weekly update

Now, I know that I promise more frequent updates (on multiple occasions), but most likely won't be as often as I wish. Anyway, Dial-up internet connection makes getting online with much regularity difficult. So, I most likely won't update daily, but I do hope to update weekly. Here's the deal with my life:

1 week of rotations down and all I can say is this one is going to rock. The preceptor is cool and he recognizes what rotations are used for. He is just giving us shadowing type experiences to let us learn hospital pharmacy and he doesn't give use any busy work.

Secondly, the sport shot (that's a bowling thing) is realy really tough. I have yet to figure it out in 2 weeks of my sport league.

I can't wait to see the new Star Wars Movie (so Sean, does Friday night work for you....and Saturday for gaming?). I'm tempted to see the midnight showing, but that gets me in bed at 3-3:30 ish and then I'd have to get up early for the next day of rotations. In other words, short sleep and I don't get along (I have a tendency to get sick on less that 4 hours of sleep). So, I doubt a midnight showing is in my future.

The usual things keep me up at night and keep my mind working....

All right that's it for now. I imagine most of my friends are going through Kyle-withdrawal having not had the joy of my presence from class. I hope they make it ok.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Kingdom of Heaven and some thoughts

So today I was just bumming around and enjoying the final day of pre-rotations and decided that I wanted to catch a movie. And it turned out to be Kingdom of Heaven at 4 o'clock. Here's the deal. All in all a pretty good flick, pretty much what I expected. It is a movie in the tradition of Braveheart and Gladiator, but I didn't like it quite as much as either of those two. I think the biggest problem was that the person you really disliked never ends up fighting the Orlando Bloom character. The Muslim leader was not the real bad guy in the movie. The battle scenes in Jerusalem were quite cool. So, I would recommend it, but would not raise expectations too high. Still a good flick.

Now, the movie got me thinking though. The saying "God's will" was used very very frequently in the movie. In all ways, by Muslim characters, by Christian characters, and by people who lost their faith. This is a saying that is one of the mysteries that I may never understand. I've heard many many sermons about God's will. Many have talked about seeking God's will (which I honestly believe is a good idea), but I'm never sure If I succeed in doing such. Other sermons have implied that all that happens is due to God's will, this I truly have difficulty with (and this was the view mentioned in the movie). If events only happen according to God's will, then the idea of free will is completely wasted. God's will controlling every action relates closely to predestination (and most of you know where I stand on that issue). But it got me thinking, in the movie, Christians and Muslims were talking about the outcome of battle reflecting God's will, and both sides truly believed that God controlled the outcome. How can we know God's will? Do we have to await the outcome and then chalk it up to God's will (or not)? I think too many bad decisions have been attributed to God's will, and many good events accomplished by God, but credit taken by mankind. (Note: I do not mean to imply only good deeds are Gods and only bad deeds on mans) I don't know the answer, and probably won't know it until I meet my maker and ask Him in person. Until then, I will continue as I have been and trust my thoughts.

That's it for now. Remember, Kingdom of Heaven is a pretty good movie.

Friday, May 06, 2005

The end of classroom learning....for now

Sorry for the not posting, but I've been quite busy. In fact, my classroom days in pharmacy school are now over. I took my final set of finals this past week (M, T, W) and am now done with them. Starting on Monday, I being the experiential portion of my learning. I have 1 year of on-site rotations (think of them as mini-internships in all areas of pharmacy). This is an exciting time, but a bit on the scary side. The unknown is looming and I am walking smack into the middle of it (sounds kinda dramatic, huh?). Anyway, that's kept me busy. Today (with the help of a friend) I'm actually getting organized. I have my rotations portfolio in order and my notes are being tabbed for easy reference.

So that's the extent of it for now. And just to inform you, I took some quizzes that my brother had posted on his blog ( and here are the results:

I act like I'm 17.
My personality type is the Performer.
My political persuasion is "New Age Democrat".

I don't agree with all that each thing states, but quizzes kind of pigeon hole you. Alright, I'll attempt to be more up to date with my blog page here and post frequently....but no promises. Until next time....