A weekly update
Now, I know that I promise more frequent updates (on multiple occasions), but most likely won't be as often as I wish. Anyway, Dial-up internet connection makes getting online with much regularity difficult. So, I most likely won't update daily, but I do hope to update weekly. Here's the deal with my life:
1 week of rotations down and all I can say is this one is going to rock. The preceptor is cool and he recognizes what rotations are used for. He is just giving us shadowing type experiences to let us learn hospital pharmacy and he doesn't give use any busy work.
Secondly, the sport shot (that's a bowling thing) is realy really tough. I have yet to figure it out in 2 weeks of my sport league.
I can't wait to see the new Star Wars Movie (so Sean, does Friday night work for you....and Saturday for gaming?). I'm tempted to see the midnight showing, but that gets me in bed at 3-3:30 ish and then I'd have to get up early for the next day of rotations. In other words, short sleep and I don't get along (I have a tendency to get sick on less that 4 hours of sleep). So, I doubt a midnight showing is in my future.
The usual things keep me up at night and keep my mind working....
All right that's it for now. I imagine most of my friends are going through Kyle-withdrawal having not had the joy of my presence from class. I hope they make it ok.
Friday and Saturday are a Go-Go!
SeanXor, at May 17, 2005 at 8:14:00 AM EST
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