Down my Alley

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

If I could post...

every time I had a thought, then this would be a very busy and full blog. I'll just be sitting around thinking, or have something happen, and then I work out a nice little post in my head. But I'm not at a computer at the time, and by the time I get to one, I don't really feel so strongly about my post as I did at the time. This has happened on numerous occasions. So, I will attempt to be more frequent, maybe even climb a soapbox or two, in the near future. I know I have promised more frequent updates before, but this time I mean it....well, we'll see.

I have finished my last cluster exam today!!! Clusters are no more!! In fact, only finals remain before my time in the classroom is completed (for this degree). There you have it. I'm nearing the end of my pharmacy classroom learning. In a few short weeks, I will enter into my experiential learning....aka rotations. Should be fun, interesting, tiring, and a wee bit scary all at the same time.

That's all for now. I will return.


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