Down my Alley

Monday, February 21, 2005

The next few weeks are gonna SUCK

Not that I am one to complain (ok...occasionally I may complain, but not often...and not for very long), but the next few weeks are absolutely loaded. I have group projects in several classes. Including working on a debate for Therapeutics. The debate is a real pain in the rear. It requires looking up a bunch of studies, preparing arguments, reading opposing studies to prepare rebuttals, and then actually preforming the debate itself. It is a 2-week process. To compound matters, my group got stuck on the short end of the stick. Nearly everything published has been favoring the Pro side (we are the con side). So, we happen to be stuck behind the to speak.

In addition to debates, we have to do our Discovery Map for therapeutics. This shouldn't be too difficult, but will take some time and still must be done. I also have to put together a rough draft of my rsearch proposal for Biostats & Research design. This draft should be 6-8 pages in length. And then to top it all off, Clusters fall immediately the next week after all this stuff is due. So, finish projects up, then study my butt off for clusters. As I said, the next few weeks are gonna suck.

On the positive, after these weeks, I have spring break and get a week off!!!!


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