Down my Alley

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

It feels good

to bowl well. It's been awhile since I've really thrown the ball well. There were occasional flashes of brilliance over Christmas break, but all in all, I've been in quite a funk. After a tournament this weekend, where I was relatively clueless, I really was trying to think up some way to start bowling better. My main problem has been having too much hand, or hook, in the ball. I have been struggling with getting the ball down the lane and rolling up strong to the pocket. Most of the time, my ball will just dive hard and leave lots of ugly splits and combinations.

After the tournament, my coach, aka Dad, came up with the idea of taking hand out of the ball without rolling it end-over-end. It's something I've done as a last resort and not very consistently, but I figured what could it hurt. So, I went before league and practiced a game to get used to the feel. In league, I go 203-268-215 = 686. This is by far the best I've scored in a while, and without a doubt the best I have thrown the ball. Seems like the old man was on to something. The real trick is seeing if it works 2 weeks in a row. Here's for hoping that the funk has come to an end.

Up, up and away...I'm off to do some work.


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