Down my Alley

Thursday, January 27, 2005

A flurry of activity

As you may have noticed, I've made posts every day in the recent past. This in repsonse to some chiding from a friend of mine. Anyway, despite having class in the very near future, I'm making another post. So, if you are just checking in after a few days, read below and catch up. Here's the thing most on my mind now.

Yesterday after class, I got home and was looking to enjoy my afternoon. When at 3:30ish I get a call from CVS. I was expecting one to get some hours starting next week. After talking for a minute and explaining what I'm looking for, I was asked to come in. After a quick contemplating thought, I agreed and was at work by 4:45. I worked until 10. I again have to go in and work a 5-10 shift today. Every time I work, I realize that I do NOT want to do retail as a career. It is so repititiously mind-numbing.

Alright, that's all. Until next time, I shall be....Superman.


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