Down my Alley

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Let it Snow!!

So, to recap the last's snowed....alot. There's a good foot 1/2 (maybe 20"+) out there. Today the wind is supposed to blow hard all day creating some massive drifts. This upcoming weekend the temperature will get down to -11 (not counting windchill). So, in other words, this snow is not going anywhere very quickly. I do believe that dad and I are just gonna hunker down for the next day or so. The weather may make the plans of getting to Sean and Abigails a bit fact, they may be altogether canceled, only time will tell.

If I were still a kid this would be awesome. However, being the only "kid" at home, the snow looks nice, but is a bit of an inconvience. If I were younger with the brother and sister around, there would be tons of fun being had today, but alas, I am grown and home alone. Tis aight, I can still enjoy the beauty of snow, the hot chocolate, and avoid the extremely cold, wet feeling that goes with playing in the snow.

Long live the frozen tundra of morningside dr!!


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