Down my Alley

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

An untraditional Christmas

This Christmas is going to be a bit different. Acutally, a lot different. First of all, Mom and the young'un (Kristen) are in England until Jan. 3. Thereby, it's just Dad and I at the house all holidays long. It is due to this that the rest of the normal Christmas is being changed. Here's how it would normally work:

Christmas eve - church service, dinner, exchange some gifts (siblings, etc.)
Christmas day - get mom and dad gifts in the morning, breakfast pizza, family comes in (all sides), more gift exchanging, lunch/supper

Now, here's what's happened and going to happen:

Saturday 12/18 - exchanged family gifts (mom and dad gifts)
Christmas eve - dinner at church members house, church service
Christmas day - to Sean and Abigails, exchange gifts, play video games
12/28 - to indianapolis for Johnson side of the family Christmas, exchange gifts
1/08 - to Tell City for Litherland (mom's side) of the family christmas, exchange gifts

Things are a bit different, but change isn't always bad. I'm not complaining, I'm just making an observation. It's all good. I'm still with family. Mom and Kristen are enjoying themselves and visiting the future in-laws. All's well.

After all, it is the Hap-hap-happiest time of the year!!


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