Down my Alley

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Funny comments from class

Quick little context. In my Drug information "lab" session, we had 45 minutes to do a group case worksheet. My randomly assigned group consisted of 3 good friends and 1 acquaintance (who is quite the fun little girl...but I digress). We had our 9 questions done in about 15 minutes, leaving us with 30 minutes to goof off. This being said we started doing some state capital trivia. I asked Jamie (the acquaintance) to name the 4 states with capitals that have the same name as former Presidents [answers at the end of think hard]. She began thinking, when Meredith threw out the question to name the 4 states whose capital starts with the same letter as the state. So, here we are discussing capitals, probably a bit louder than we should, and the other 4 groups are hard at work. Here are the great comments:

Jamie - "There's Columbus Ohio....wait, Columbus wasn't a president."

Meredith - (trying to give a hint of a states location) "It's a southern Midwest state." Sadly, she was referring to Mississippi.

Newsflash!!! Mississippi is not, nor has ever been, considered to be a Midwestern state. It is Deep South, South, Southeastern, or Gulf Coast...not Midwest. Needless to say, Meredith will not be my lifeline on a geography question.

Great stuff. I love group work with friends. Get done quick and goof off!!

Answers to the state capital questions:

Named after Presidents: Jefferson City, MO; Jackson, MS; Madison, WS; Lincoln, NE

Same letter as State: Indianapolis, IN; Oklahoma City, OK; Dover, DE; Honolulu, HI

I hope you enjoyed and got a bit of a chuckle (if not, I kinda had to be there).

That's it. Later, yo!!



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