Down my Alley

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Efficacy of Telithromycin

So, I spent the majority of my "free time" this weekend reading studies about Telithromycin (name brand Ketek). I read 11 studies (about 10 pages each). After about 4 of them, I was pretty much getting the gist of it. Everyone came to the same result, but I nonetheless, had to review them all. Here's the general info on Telithromycin: it's a ketolide antibiotic (drug class to treat bacterial infections), designed for activity in Respiratory Tract Infections (pneumonia, sinusitis, and exacerbation of chronic bronchitis), and has the advantage when it comes to resistant strains of micro-organisms.

Here's what I read all weekend:
1) Resistance is increasing to antibiotics (Penicillins and Macrolides [think Z-Pak or Biaxin])
2) Telithromycin is effective in treating resistant infections
3) In non-resistant infections, Telithromycin is equally effective to every other antibiotic
4) T-mycin is well tolerated (it does cause more diarrhea though...that kinda sucks)

That's about it. You now know about as much as I do about T-mycin. I however must put all this knowledge to use and write a drug monograph about it. It is supposed to be about 10 pages long. I just said the basics in 1 paragraph, and now I have to enlongate that to nearly 10 pages. Even courier new isn't going to help me that much on this one. Oh well, the research is done (that's the hard part) and the writing can now commence (the only slightly easier, but just as painful part).

I'm outie....sleep awaits.


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