Down my Alley

Saturday, December 11, 2004

A decision made and one still pending

Alright, I have decided on my course of action for housing next year/semester. I am going to take my uncle up on the offer to live at my cousins house for free. Here's the rationale: 1) Free rent and saving money w/ increased expenses coming (braces and summer school tuition), 2) I still get to hang with my friends (just not on a daily basis), and 3) It just seemed right to me (hey, I'm a big go with what feels right kinda guy).

Now for the big decision still pending. I have decided to purchase a video game system to have at my cousin's house and keep me from being too bored. But I have not decided which game system to buy. The type of gamer I am: sports and shoot'ems, no RPGs, no fighting games. Here's the choices and pros/cons as I see them.

PS2 - pro: good controller, DVD player, great game selection (cheap w/ the classic games); con: no major cons (that I can think HALO, but I could deal with that)

Xbox- pro: great graphics, decent game selection, HALO, DVD player, can be hacked for free gaming!!!; con: don't like the controller all that well, less games than PS2

Gamecube - pro: good controller, Nintendo loyalist since birth, cheaper; con: less games, no DVD

Ok, honestly, the Gamecube is running a very distant 3rd in this race. But I would love comments about which system you would recommend. And give me some reasons, not just this one rocks, or that one sucks. Come on, let me know what you think.


  • Heh, you had to know I would respond to this. I think you should go with a PS2 over the other three and starting with the Gamecube here is why:

    1. Gamecube: Cheap is good, but outside of Metroid Prime, Zelda, Mario Kart, and Rouge Leader what does it got? Also, the controller is absolutly terrible for FPS games.

    2. X-box: As mentioned the controller sucks. Even the S-type doesn't stand up to the PS2 controller. The graphics are better, the hard drive allows for more coolness (like customizable sound-tracks), and it does have better FPS. However, unless you are going to be playing with other people ALOT, Halo is not a game worth buying a system for. The Multiplayer is great, but the single player after the first 3 1/2 levels starts to get boring. There is a ton of Hallway, Hallway, clear room, repeat. Also, the traditional FPS gap that exist between X-box and PS2 is starting to close. If you are going to be playing a lot online (and are going to pay the extra for X-box live) then the X-box hands down. Also, I am not big on the loading games to the hard drive. . .that is kind of like stealing.
    PS2: It rocks! The controller is the best and the library is huge. Because of this you can get some really good games for very cheap prices because they are older. And if you do play online, it is free.

    By Blogger SeanXor, at December 11, 2004 at 11:12:00 PM EST  

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