Down my Alley

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Who needs sleep?

Apparently, not me. For some reason, I only managed to get somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-4 hours of sleep last night. It really kind of stunk. I was laying in bed, wanting to sleep, but alas, it was elusive. I could not catch it. I got in bed by 11:30 or so, and turned on the TV around 12:45. I ended up watching City of Angels on TBS (with Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan). I'd never seen this movie before and didn't mind it (too chick flicky, but hey, it was the middle of night). Some interesting things, but all-in-all not awful. About 20 minutes after the movie ended, I finally managed to fall asleep....just to wake up at 6:45 AM for class.

Traditionally, I tend to get sick when I get less than 4 hours of sleep. That is one tradition I hope to break this time around. The gameplan is lots of sleep tonight and try to "catch up" (as a pharmacy major, I know it is impossible to catch up on sleep, but I'm hoping a good long night's rest will allow my body to recover and fight off any impending infections).

Alrighty, time to bum the net while waiting on class. (3 for 3 Benson!!!)


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