Down my Alley

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

The Fam is back

So, here's the deal, the Mom and the Sis have returned from their Holiday trip to England. They seem to have greatly enjoyed their time there. I guess the inlaws aren't any odder than our own clan. It was kinda cool (a bit weird and mushy....but cool) to see my Mom and Dad together after being apart for 2 weeks (the longest time they've ever spent apart since getting married.... 30 years +/-). Kristen took 151 pictures on her digital camera and 2 rolls on a normal camera (when the batteries ran out), so I'll have some stuff to look at. Anyway, we've got a week to hang out as a family until Kristen heads back up to school.

In case your curious, Weather in England is like living in a cave. It's between 40 and mid 50's every day. It's also damp, gray, and dreary everyday. Sounds wonderful, huh? I believe Kristen and Mom brought the weather back with them. Yesterday and today is supposed to be just as previously described. In other words, I'm not looking for a timeshare over there or anything.


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