Down my Alley

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas!!!!

Just a quick Christmas note. Just a quick reminder of the true reason for the season, the gift from God, Jesus the Christ. Here's a reader's digest version of Dad's Christmas Eve service sermon:

What's in the middle of the natvity scene? The Christ child. Not the sheperds, not Mary and Joseph, not the wise men (who really shouldn't be there, but that's another sermon), not the animals. The baby King is in the middle. That's how it should be in our lives, not just at this time of year, but all the time. We can learn from the natvity scene...Keep Jesus in the center of all you do.

There's the 30 sec. sermon for you. I thought it was pretty good. Another interesting tale was that of the song O Holy Night. It was written by an unsavory Frenchmen (spent more time in the pubs than the church) at the request of a priest. The writer wanted the poem to be put to music, so he had a friend write up a tune for it. It turns out that this friend was Jewish. After falling out of favor with the church (because of its creators), the song was picked up in America by an abolitionist. An assitant to Thomas Edison created the microphone. And the first thing that was ever sent across the airwaves was the Christmas story (scripture) and then he played O Holy Night on his violin. Three people that would not be considered holy, religious people went in to make O Holy Night one of the most revered songs in Christenom. An unsavory Frenchmen, a Jewish songwrite, and a scientist....God works in mysterious ways.

Alright, I'm done. Just thought those were really neat points. Have a very Merry Christmas!!!


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