Down my Alley

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Indiana Weather

The weather patterns in this great state of mine are absolutely ridiculous. I could never be a weatherman here, because you just don't know what's going to happen. It's really is crazy. Here's a grand example of what I am talking about:

Yesterday was beautiful. It got up to 67, was amazing, sunny, slight breeze, absolutely astounding.

Today is quite the opposite. Now it still looks nice, but the high is only near 40. It snowed last night (only a dusting).

There you have it. In under 24 hours, we had a complete reversal of weather. It was like going to bed in Florida, and waking up in Michigan. Go figure. I guess that's where they get the saying "Don't like the weather? Stick around, it'll change."

Alrighty, that's all. Clusters are over, but I still have an assignment and have to go to work tonight. Blah!

PS - Happy 1 day belated birthday to my brother (aka SeanXor)! I thought about calling last night, but it kinda slipped my's the thought that counts, right?


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