Down my Alley

Monday, February 14, 2005

Quite the freaky movie

On Saturday night, I rented and watched The Grudge with a friend. I was previously told that this was the scariest movie someone had ever seen, so my interest was relatively high. Now it is important to note, that I don't really scare easily, especially from movies, but I can admit to a freaky movie when I see one. Prior to the Grudge I would say that the Ring or Event Horizon were the freakiest things I'd ever seen. But the Grudge is down right freaky. I mean, make you think, jump, and give you that chill down your back.

It was quite humorous however, as the friend I watched it with is a self-proclaimed wuss. I got a kick out of the ball she wound herself in and the talking to the actors to "Don't go in there." If you're looking for freaky, watch the grudge, but don't expect great acting and it is relatively predictable.


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