Amazing Race thoughts
Last night was the season finale of the Amazing Race. Now, I'm not much into reality shows, but I really enjoy the Amazing Race. I think it is primarily because there is no "voting off" (and back-stabbing), but rather more performance based (luck is still involved, don't get me wrong). Anyway, this entire season, I had been rooting for Kris and Jon. They treated each other and everyone else with respect. They did not fight, they got along, and they worked together. It really was awesome to watch two people do that. However, they came up just short of winning. It kinda sucked. I was literally no the edge of my seat talking to the TV....I'm not crazy though. But that's alright, it was still fun to watch and good to see that no jerks made the finals.
On another note, is there anyone out there looking for an Amazing Race partner? I've got another year of school left, but after that I'm free to participate. Let me know if your interested.
In the famous words of Porky Pig, "Bedee, bedee, bedee, That's all folks."
You know. . . the amazing race absolutly loves family team mates, especially ones that look so outwardly different and at odds.
let me know if you want to fill it out.
SeanXor, at February 9, 2005 at 12:08:00 PM EST
I like the idea of submitting the application with you, but this coming one would not work. It appears to be a 4-person family edition (not that Kristen and the Brit wouldn't fill it out), but it films during June and July of this year. I will be on rotations and unable to get out of those. However, we should keep it in mind and apply for the filming during summer '06 (after I graduate). Let's try it then.
ButlerBowldog, at February 9, 2005 at 1:11:00 PM EST
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