Down my Alley

Friday, February 11, 2005

I don't wanna study...

Well, it's that time again. Clusters start on Monday. Granted this is going to be by far the least hectic set of clusters ever. I have a test on Monday and a test on Wednesday. That's it. Compared to the 6 tests I've had in the past during the 3 day cluster period, this should be cake. However, one class is a new one with a new teacher, so most of it is going to be relatively unexpected. The other class is one that I got a B in last semester, thereby being one that I'm not all that confident in (primarily because test questions do not correlate with things decided in class). But anyway, my studdy buddy has finally gotten around to doing her job and making me learn. This afternoon and tomorrow morning will be focused on learning. In addition, Monday afternoon and Tuesday will also be used in the pursuit of knowledge.

That's it. Time to get this nose to the books (and not to sleep...they don't make good, any drool on class notes can smear the ink). Happy learning!!!!


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