Down my Alley

Thursday, April 28, 2005

My favorite nation is....

Procrastination. And I must admit, I believe myself to be a prominent member of society in this nation. In fact, procrastinating has really been something I've done for a long long time now. I've put off doing work for years. Just ask my Mom, she admits that I would often just sit back and leave stuff undone until it either gets done by someone else, or I have to do it at the deadline. Now this isn't a recent occurence, I've done this since I was a kid. Anyway, what brings this thought about is my lack of motivation in getting stuff done down the stretch here at school. I put off revising papers and studying. I shouldn't, but it just comes so naturally for me. All I know is that if I were truly motivated, the things I could accomplish would be scary. Oh well, I'll keep it up and get my work done. It's been successful in the past.

If you have any motivation to spare, feel free to send it my way.


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