Down my Alley

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

My Top 50 Movies - 50-41

So, I guess I could apologize for my lack of posting. Not quite sure why I took the last 3 months off, but I did. I, however, was recently inspired by my brother's recent series of personal Top 50 movies (check them out at He did his over 3 posts, but I'm breaking it down in 10 movie segments (more dramatic and ensures more posts).
Here it is...Numbers 50-41.

Planet of the Apes (1968)An old school classic begins my list. It is not the stellar acting, or amazing costume design (please read with sarcasm) that makes me enjoy this film, but the general story and phenomenal ending.

Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
The Oscar winner for best picture sneaks its way onto this list. As you will see, my favorite films are rarely the most critically acclaimed dramatic movies. This one really sticks with you and has one of the more unique styles to tell this coming-of-age tale. A rare good decision by the academy for selecting best picture.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
I've watched all the Harry Potter movies, and am looking forward to how the story ends (haven't read the novels...don't want to ruin the films). Anyway, aside from the first two, I've enjoyed the other movies.
Goblet of Fire stand as my favorite.

Hoosiers (1986)One of the best sports movies of all time. If it wasn't for a forced love interest for Gene Hackman, you might find this one even higher on the list. This films builds throughout until you find yourself really rooting for the kids from Hickory high school.

Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
I really enjoyed Star Trek: The Next Generation, TV show, and always had high hopes for the movies. Only one ever really met those expectations. Seeing Picard really unleash, seriously threatening bad guys (the Borg), and Data handling his "emotions/humanity". A cool movie.

Zulu (1964)
A quality movie that could really use the remake treatment. Seriously, the main thing holding this back is the limitations of the day in which it was made. 100 British defending a mission against 4000 Zulu warriors, not the best odds, but the reason its such a neat story.

National Lampoons Animal House (1978)
The quintessential college comedy. Many movies have tried to the capture the magic first displayed here. Very few of the comedic offerings miss, and most are outright laugh-out-loud hilarious.

Dawn of the Dead (2004)This is really the movie that is primarily responsible for my current fondness for all-things zombies. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I enjoyed the idea of zombies prior to this; however, this movie really showed what a cool zombie movie should be.

Groundhog Day (1993) One of the funniest movies out there. This was really Bill Murrary at his best (just ahead of The Man Who Knew Too Little). Who knew that one day could be so funny...over and over again.

Home Alone (1990)It was funny when it first came out, and is still hilarious today. Slapstick comedy done right, and surrounds a fairly pleasant story, too. Fairly apt for the current season too...I recommend watching this one sometime in the next several weeks. Too bad they made a bunch of subpar sequels.

There you have it...the first 10 movies. Stay tuned, there are 40 more to go.


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