Down my Alley

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Frosty...Better to eat than drink

So this afternoon, after a morning spent at the Fayette County Health Fair and then lunch with my boss, I got a craving for a nice cold treat. Since the Dairy Queen was on the other side of town (granted a 3 minute trip, but still one I was unwilling to take), and I was driving right by a Wendy's, I decided a Frosty would be that cold treat.

I pull into the Wendy's and find the drive through backed up. As logic dictates, I parked and decided I would just grab it inside...only to find that the inside was equally backed up, however, since I was already inside (and it was air-conditioned) I opted to wait. While waiting, I look over the Frosty menu...yep, a whole picture menu of Frosty items next to the register. My options included normal Frosty's (Vanilla or Chocolate), Candy mixed Frosty's, or the Frosty shake.

A shake sounded really, really good. While waiting on my turn to order, I had talked myself whole-heartedly into this shake. Then I ordered it, and watched them make it. Filled about 1/3 of the cup with chocolate syrup, then added the Frosty, then mixed it up and topped it with whipped cream. I was very underwhelmed from the first drink. It wasn't the texture, which was actually pretty close to what I expect from a shake, but the flavor was more that of Hershey's syrup than of the Frosty. I was disappointed. I think the idea is sound, but milk should be added and then blended, not chocolate syrup.

My conclusion: Frosty's should be eaten as a creamy treat...not as a shake.


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