Favorite Video Games: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Continuing my series on favorite video games. I'll continue my stroll down memory lane with the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). I spent many an hour playing this system, and these games most definitely composed the greatest enjoyment out of it.
In dramatic reverse order....
5. Donkey Kong CountryOne of the first games to excel at 3-D graphics. It was still a side-scrolling game, but graphically amazing for a 16-bit system. In addition to the aesthetic quality, it was superb to play, and co-op made it enjoyable for a group.
4. NHL Hockey (EA sports)The screenshot is from the '94 variation. However, I'm pretty sure I played multiple years of this title. Despite not really being a huge hockey fan, this game was superbly fun. Learning the art of the one-timer was the secret to success. Also, you can count on one hand, the number of times I was out body-checked by anyone.
3. Madden Football (EA Sports)The system that started my love affair with Madden (please don't take that out of context). Despite the poor graphics, the gameplay was second to none. Many games were played of Madden football throughout the SNES's lifespan.
2. Super Mario WorldAnother excellent outing of Mario. Easily one of the best Mario games out there. Fun to play at any time.
And the best video game for the SNES...
1. Super MarioKart
Hands down the best game for the SNES...no questions, accept no substitutes. I have some vivid recollections of playing this game. Both the single player GPs against the computer, and more so, the many many hours of battle mode against my brother. We loved snow days away from school in order to play this game. An amazing game.
Honorable mentions: NBA Jam, Star Fox, and F-Zero
Well, that brings this stroll down SNES memory lane to an end. I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned our next outing in a DeLorean for a trip to the N64 days.