Down my Alley

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's been a week...

since my last post. To be honest, nothing really exciting or major has occurred to spur a posting. I've read a few articles in USA Today that I could respond to, but even those don't really get me too excited. I could rant about a pet peeve, but I'm in a general good mood and don't feel like I need to get my blood boiling. I could discuss football, but it's really too early to tell anything (although the Colts looked good, and Denver struggled to put up points against the Bills...I'm around a bunch of Bronco-homers, so that's all I hear about...PS. Jay Cutler is NOT the second coming....of Elway, that is). I've seen a few movies, but none that were outstanding and none were terrible, so they really haven't left an impression.

Basically, with a relatively mundane week, I'm just putting this up so you (my faithful, adoring audience) have something to read and can say that I've posted. That's about it. Maybe something will strike me this coming week and my next post will be more lively.



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