Down my Alley

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Reflections on Packing / The New Year

I sit here next to my bookcase to begin the many hours it will take for me to pack up my belongings. This is not the first move I've experienced, in fact, for my recollection this will be my 4th move with the family. This one is quite a bit different though. I've not really ever gotten to call Washington "Home". It has been where my parents have lived and thereby my family...which makes it home, but I have no memories of Washington, which makes it less homely. Anyway, back to my reflection. It really is amazing how much stuff you have when it all has to be in boxes. Generally I would say I have a bit, but not a ton of stuff. Then into boxes it goes and it turns out I have a lot of stuff. Most of my items that are being boxed up will not see the light of day until July or August. Some will move to Terre Haute and stay boxed up in some storage room/closet. Some may move up to Indy where they will stay in some storage room/closet. Until I get my own place (be it house or apartment) in whatever city I go to grad school, these items of mine must get comfortable in their boxes. Which is ok, since they are here in Washington and I am rarely here and thereby not using them very often.

As you noticed this post had 2 titles, the first was the reflections on packing and that is now done. So we move to the second portion of this post. 2006! I foresee a huge year of change. Then again, I'm sure I've said that before, but this one really is shaping up to be a bit of a crazy year. I was talking over lunch with my Dad and sister about skipping all the hustle/bustle of the move. So it was said "Let's skip to April 1st", but then that puts dad in the middle of the Easter craziness. "Skip to May 1st", but that puts us at graduation time for both my sister and I. "Skip to June 1st", but that puts us at my sisters wedding. "July 1st", puts my sister and parents planning the trip to England. "August 1st", puts me finding a place to live and moving to my destination city (unknown at this time). "September 1st"....well, I'll be settled at school, parents will be settled at Terre Haute with not pressing church seasons, the sister will be married and employed (hopefully). Ok. It was settled, anyone with a FF button on life, pass it our way. Further areas of change consist of becoming licensed as a pharmacist and actually having responsibility at work. Also, grandparents health is always a concern.

There you have it. Busy packing away the things from my past and having a bit uncertain future laid out in front of me. Quite a bit to reflect on!


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