Down my Alley

Friday, August 05, 2005

Episodes V and VI

On Tuesday night, I finished my Star Wars movie marathon (and this is really the first time I've had a chance to update). I don't want to keep you in the dark and suspense, so here's the low down on these two flicks.

Episode V: Empire Strikes Back -- I've had a love/hate relationship with this movie throughout the years. As a young'un, I really didn't like it. It wasn't as fun as the others in the original trilogy. Then I grew to like the character development and story line (and possibly the propaganda from my brother that it was the best). Now, I've kinda middled on it. I really like Hoth, but I would like to have seen more of a troop battle. It has the first (re)appearance of Yoda and the Emperor (his absence in Episode IV is strange). The lightsaber fight at the end is pretty neat, especially watching Vader just toy with Luke. All in all, another great flick. Not as good as a stand alone movie though.

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi -- One of the most fun movies in the Star Wars universe. This movie gets going and doesn't let up. I enjoyed it much more with the knowledge gained from the newer movies. The lightsaber is finally being used for what it was intended, blocking blasters and dueling. The fight at the end is good all around. One of the best space battles, a good ground fight, and a quality lightsaber fight (not on the scale of the newer movies, but solid none-the-less). I love the similarities in Vader choosing to save someone from Force lightning (in Episode III he saves Palpatine, in Episode VI he saves Luke). The same decision that turned him to the darkside, returned him to the light....kinda cool, huh? Well, I really enjoy this movie.

Final opinion: AMAZING!! Everyone should do this at least once in their life. This definitely comprises the best storyline ever told in movies. It is without a doubt the best set of movies (Lord of the Rings is good, but it is no Star Wars). Awesome!!


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