Down my Alley

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Sore muscles and a Movie Marathon

Yesterday, my buddy J2 dragged me out to lift some weights. This was fine with me, because I could use the exercise and whatnot, but keep in mind it's been over a year since I really lifted weights. I was expecting some sorness this morning, but overall I faired decently....with one exception. My triceps!! They are super-tight and hurt to move much. This is a problem. I can't bend my arms in...especially my right. The left is actually ok, achey, but I can move it. My right is crazy. A 90 degree angle at the elbow is extremely painful. I was unable to use my right hand to button up my shirt past the fourth button. I couldn't tie my tie. I had to eat my cereal with my left, drink my's been and will be rough. I'm looking forward to this loosing up.

Alright, I am planning a movie marathon over the next several days...6 days in fact. I am going to watch the Star Wars movies in succession. Starting tonight with Episode I. Don't worry, I'm borrowing Episode III on DVD from J2 (it's a chinese copy, but hey, who cares). If anyone is in the area and interested in joining me on any one of the next 6 nights, let me know. It'll be fun...I promise.

Does anyone have some Bengay...or Advil....or anything??


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