Batman, F1, and Medal of Honor...Oh My!!
I know it’s been awhile since I last posted, and for that I apologize. I’ve managed to keep myself relatively busy. Plus, I’ve not really been online much at home. I use the internet at Methodist due to hi-speed to check most things, but I feel bad about wasting time to update this site. However, that will not be stopping me today. In fact, I’m pretty much done with what I need to do today and will probably be leaving after posting this. But I digress. Allow me to update you on the past week.
1) Rotation at Methodist: It’s going well (I think). I’m picking some things up, but do not really feel overwhelmed with knowledge. I kinda feel like I’m just walking around and going through the motions. Luckily, I do not have lots of busy work like some of my fellow classmates. I do believe that I would not want to do this as a career. The main reason….it’s no fun!! Granted, staff pharmacist may be routine and uneventful, but it can be fun (depending on co-workers).
2) Batman Begins: This movie is really really good. It’s fun. It’s exciting. It’s good. They made Batman cool again. I think Christian Bale does a good Batman, but his playboy Bruce Wayne side needs some work. I would recommend it. If you go, try not to fit this into the other Batman movies. It pretty much ignores most of what happened in those (thank goodness). An excellent job of making the comic book into a movie!!
3) USGP: The US Grand Prix at Indy was a joke. 6 of the 20 cars are all that ran the race. I’m sure most have heard the stories surrounding this fiasco. All in all, it took a boring race and made it a really boring race. The worst thing of all this is going to be the crap that IMS catches. And it wasn’t IMS’s fault. All blame should be placed on Michelin, F1 and team Ferrari. Michelin for failure to make a good tire, F1 for failure to get a compromise done by race day, and Ferrari for failure to discuss other options. I believe the contract is good for 1 more USGP, but I predict attendance will be way way down. There may never be another F1 race in Indy after that. Only time will tell.
4) Medal of Honor European Assault: I purchased this game on Monday. I have beat the first 2 stages (St. Navaire France and North Africa). I have 2 stages remaining (Russia and Battle of the Bulge). I really love the single player game. It has improved upon the already great line of games. The game is more realistic in some aspects (and less in others). The graphics are amazing and you can now only carry 2 guns (instead of unlimited). The levels are also greatly improved. In the other medal of honor games, each level basically consisted of hallways and hangers. A series of repetitive halls that you walk down turn and go down another one, or open hangers. This new game is more of a free range battlefield. Towns are actually townish, battlefields are large and open. I also like the use of cover. The other games, the only cover was duck down or hide around a corner, then step out and shoot. Now, you can duck down or hide around a corner, aim, and shoot without having to expose yourself. It is pretty cool. Now, the multiplayer is very disappointing. Primarily because there are no computer opponents. The only way to do multiplayer is Vs. mode. You have to just fight each other. That stinks. But as a single player game, I recommend it….so far.
That’s all. Sorry for the length, but that’s the price to pay for not updating regularly. I’ll try harder next time…I promise.
It's about time I got an update...I'm dyin' over here. Could I get you to update every other day if I offered you a trip to the roller coaster capital of the world?
Anonymous, at June 22, 2005 at 6:56:00 PM EST
I got Medal of Honor as well, and I am currently on the last level (which is insanely hard). The whole messing up the multiplayer (not bots or online play) is sad, but if you really want to know my complete thoughts on the game you can read here:
SeanXor, at June 23, 2005 at 6:50:00 PM EST
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