Down my Alley

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Updates happen

Well, another week has gone by and not all that much has happened. Yep, my life is pretty much a matter of day-to-day replay. So, I'll give the quick update and let all of you stalkers get your fill of my life.

1) Methodist hospital (Gen. Med. rotation) -- the place is huge, but I have not yet gotten lost (woo-hoo). So far the rotation is going well. I kinda feel like I'm just walking around, but things will pick up (I imagine). I better get used to it, I have 7 more weeks at this site.

2) The Peterson - I was up in Chicago yesterday to bowl in the Peterson. It's a fun tournament. I didn't do as well as I would have liked, was way too inconsistent. I averaged about 160 (my goal at the Pete is about 170-175). "This was absolutely my next to last time."

Well, that's really about all I've done this past week. Kinda boring, but that's what I've done.

Cool beans!


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