Down my Alley

Monday, July 04, 2005

Crazy Gamage

My brother's wife has been out of town for a week and I decided to go down and keep my brother company this weekend. I wasn't really sure what we would do, but I just felt it to be my brotherly obligation to keep him from going stir crazy. Much to my shock, he suggested we play video games. Now I realize that this really isn't one of my favorite activities, but since I was his guest, I would abide his wishes. So we played a video game. 1 became 2 became 3 became 13. Yep, we ended up playing 13 different video games. Of course, the cream of the crop was Star Wars Battlefront (II comes out in November....yippee!). We racked up quite the serious body count. 13 games: SW Battlefront, Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, Brothers in Arms, 007: Nightfire, Time Splitters Future Perfect, Gladius, Burnout 3, Secret Weapons over Normandy, Fight Night Rd 2, Star Wars Legos, Red Faction, Hunters Wayward (?), and Killzone (I still want this game).

The best: SW Battlefront and Killzone
Fun: Star Wars Legos, Time Splitters and Burnout 3
the worst: Gladius (turn-based RPG's are NOT my cup of tea)

There you have it, my very abnormal weekend of video gaming.

PS - I'm currently at Methodist Hospital because it was advised I stop in and check on "my patients". It's the 4th and I' m at my rotation site...what a load.


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