T-Shirts I need....
I enjoy a good funny shirt. I own several and am always on the lookout for a few others. In the past day or two, I've bummed around on the internet and found a few shirts that just really seem to fit me. So, I've opted to post the picture and describe why I need said shirt. Without further ado...
Shirt #1From SnorgTees.com. You might remember from several posts ago (click here if you don't), that I like DeLoreans. Plus, I often will randomly quote Back to the Future. All things put together mean that this shirt is cool.
Shirt #2
From PhDcomics.com. If you can't read it, it says "GRAD SCHOOL, It seemed better than getting a real job." Now this wasn't my full reason for attending grad school, but still it's funny and still kinda works.
Shirt #3From the site xkcd.com. I'm trying science here at grad school, so it fits what I'm doing, and is humorous. This one (and the previous) are more specific to what I'm doing and not as overall funny, but hey, still good.
Shirt #4From Bowlingshirt.com. This one works for several reasons. 1) I like the Lord of the Rings, 2) I like puns/word humor, and 3) It's on a retro bowling shirt. Ok, I guess you could sum all those up with I'm a bit of a dork, but I already have 2 shirts that claim that one.
What? No pharmacist shirts? Well, there are a boatload on cafepress.com, but I do own two pharmacy t-shirts, so I'm exactly lacking in this area. Plus, it wasn't worth digging through cafepress to find the coolest ones.
There you go. Some funny shirts that I think are awfully humorous. Have a great weekend, my cool and most awesome readers
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