For No Good Reason...
There are some things I do in life with quite frequent regularity: Eat, sleep, bowl, play video games, work (ok, that might be a lie), and wonder what the people who believe the 700 Club are smoking. There are also some things that I occasionally do, for absolutely no good reason. By occasionally, I mean once a year, maybe twice. Things like: eat White Castle (mmm...sliders), try a new food, and look up DeLoreans on eBay. Yep, you read correctly. I look up DeLoreans on eBay motors every now and then. For absolutely no good reason. If I were ever to hit the lottery and have more money than I knew what to do with, I would definitely buy a DeLorean. The first thing I'm going to do with said vehicle, is put in a Flux Capacitor. Now, I might be getting ahead of myself. To refresh your memory, here is what a DeLorean looks like.
If you think it looks familiar, that probably means that you have seen the excellent movie Back to the Future starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd (and if you haven't, you should). That's pretty much the cars claim to fame, and hence my desired installation of a Flux Capacitor.Also, the ability to tell all riders in the car, "If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per're gonna see some serious $#!+." Again, my desire for this car is completely impractical, but still, how sweet would it be to roll up in a car famous for being a time machine, and with doors that open up. It is by no means my dream car (corvettes and old school mustangs fit that category), but nonetheless, I would certainly own one if Powerball ever swings my way. Until then, I'll stick with my full size family sedan and occasionally check eBay for DeLoreans....for absolutely no good reason.
And just for good measure: "Are you telling me this sucker is nuclear?!"
"Great Scott! 1.21 Gigawatts!"
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