Down my Alley

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Anyone can read this....

In a moment of boredom, I started clicking the next blog link at the top of this page. By clicking, I was wisked away to some random blog. In doing this, the idea that anyone can truly come across and read this page really hit. I'm fully aware of this fact (and have been), but for whatever reason I don't really think about it too much. In general, I know my family reads this and a few select friends, and that's typically who I assume reads it when I make posts. I have received a comment or two from people I don't know, and it's kinda cool to think of strangers reading my ideas.

Another realization I had while doing my next blog clicking are the number of non-Americans that use this site (not my site specifically, but the host site...blogger). Anyway, a grand majority of my random blog viewing involved languages I can't understand. I just took some naivety and figured most people doing this would be middle-class America (don't know why, just assumed). Looks like I'm wrong.

The final realization that I had, is that I don't use anywhere near enough pictures in my posts. The grand majority of random blogs I viewed had pics on nearly every post. Whereas, for me, a picture is a rarity instead of the norm. Maybe I should attempt to load up more photos. If nothing else, it would make my blog look cooler, right? Well with that said, here's a random photo for you (it makes me laugh).

Yep, that's a chimp with a handgun. Don't mess with chimps that are's just safer that way. Have a great week...enjoy Valentine's Day.


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