Down my Alley

Monday, November 19, 2007

iTunes...vol. 4

Ok, this is likely my final iTunes post. Many of my files are sound clips from movies and TV shows. I'm going to list off some my favorite quotes that I have downloaded to my computer. It's always kind of funny when between two songs, one of these gems randomly pops up. Remember, this isn't a best of list, just a sample of the quotes on my computer.

All time classic lines:

Houston, we have a problem. - Apollo 13
Go ahead, make my day. - Dirty Harry
You want answers. >I think I'm entitled. >You want answers. > I want the truth! > You can't handle the truth! - A Few Good Men
My mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. - Forrest Gump
Are you stupid or something? > Stupid is as stupid does, sir. - Forrest Gump
Good Morning Vietnam - Good Morning Vietnam
mmmm, what's up doc? - Looney Tunes
Bond. James Bond. - Sean Connery
I am your father. - Empire Strikes Back
No. Try not. Do or do not. There is no try. - Empire Strikes Back
Use the force, Luke. - Star Wars
Live long and prosper - Star Trek
Yippe-ki-yay, motherf@#$^*. - Die Hard

Lines from TV:

Everydays a gamble. I figure if I wake up in the morning, I'm already a winner. - Beverly Hillbillies
Canada sucks. - Family Guy
Hi-Ho neighbor. - Home Improvement
No soup for you. - Seinfeld
Computers can do that. - Simpsons
To start, press any key. Where's the any key? - Simpsons
I'm trying to think, but nothing happens. - 3 Stooges

Life advice:

My advice to you is to start drinking heavily. - Animal House
F*** it dude. Let's go bowling. - Big Lebowski
Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES! - Ghostbusters
Idiocy is our only option. - Outbreak

Random favorites:

Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops. - Arsenic and Old Lace
Are you telling me this sucker is nuclear? - Back to the Future
You see, we're on a mission from God. - Blues Brothers
Define irony. A bunch of idiots dancing on a plane to a song made famous by a band that died in a plane crash. - Con Air
I think we better split up. > Good idea. > Yeah, we can do more damage that way. - Ghostbusters
Did you bring me a monkey? - Multiplicity
You're mocking me, aren't you? - Toy Story

That's all for now. I'm signing off.

Bde,bde,bde, that's all folks. - Looney Tunes
You're still here. It's over. Go home. Go. - Ferris Buehler's Day Off


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