Down my Alley

Monday, October 22, 2007

Now being from Indiana, I'm used to weather fluctuations. In fact, I've heard (and repeated) the saying, "Don't like the weather? Stick around, it'll change." However, this weekend was probably the craziest example of changing weather I've ever encountered. This weekend was my departments retreat. Our retreat took place at Copper Mountain (about 2 hours out of Denver). It is impressive what a difference 6-8,000 feet makes. I went from moderate fall weather (mid-50s) to full on winter (low-40s as the high and snowy). That was half-expected though.

Upon returning to Denver on Saturday, I arrived to weather flirting with 80 degrees. Yes, 80 degrees. Absolutely amazing weather. When I awoke on Sunday, I saw roughly an inch of snow on the ground and a high of mid-40s (some areas had near 5 inches). Yep, you read that correctly. 80 degrees on Saturday, and 40 degrees with snow less than 24 hours later. Let that sink and re-read it if you have to. I've gotten used to a bit of the whole freezing early, but decent late, and returning to freezing when the sun disappears. Even that did not prepare me fully for what I saw this weekend.

Any other fun weather stories, feel free to share.

Oh yeah, they are projecting near 70 by mid-week. "Stick'll change." Sounds like a bit of an understatement to me.


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