Down my Alley

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hypocrisy Abounds...

Ok, here is what I am referring to, Pat Robertson (of 700 Club "fame") officially endorses Rudy Guiliani for President. Here's the USAToday story. I'm sorry that this interrupts my promised Itunes series, but this really rubs me the wrong way and I must rant about this. Before I get going, let me get a disclaimer out there: I do NOT agree with, nor particularly like, Pat Robertson on pretty much anything. And I am a Christian.

Alright, here's the reason for my claim of hypocrisy. Pat Robertson is well on record of condemning Bill Clinton, especially after he had his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Now, however, he is supporting a candidate that publicly admitted to having an affair with another woman. Remember this was the reason that Giuliani backed out of his Senate run (that would have put him up against Hillary Clinton). So, while Bill Clinton is the worst President ever in the mind of Robertson, he is willing to support someone guilty of the exact same "crime." Hypocritical?

Further hypocrisy comes in the social (aka "moral") issues. Giuliani is clearly on record as being moderate to liberal....ok moderate...on gay rights and abortion rights. Robertson is clearly on record as being anti-gay rights and anti-abortion (note: NOT pro-life...he supports the Presidents war in Iraq, where people are dying...NOT pro-life, but anti-abortion). Anyway, how can someone who constantly preaches moral superiority support someone who doesn't have the same view on these areas? Again, the hypocrisy amazes me.

I have this distinct feeling that Pat Robertson has thrown his hat behind Giuliani for one reason. Publicity. The die-hard conservative candidates aren't getting near the publicity that Giuliani is. Rudy is leading most national polls, and Robertson wants in on that spotlight.

I may not agree with Robertson on much of anything. I may not agree with Giuliani on foreign and domestic policies, but his social policies are better. But, I guess I could always respect someone for sticking to their beliefs, regardless of my agreement with them. However, Robertson has thrown that out the window.

Before people start popping off (not that anyone who reads this ever pops off), I have watched the 700 club (mostly out of confused fascination that people believe this stuff), and am not completely uninformed on Robertson.

Bottom line: Pat Robertson apparently doesn't believe his own preaching if a Republican opposes it. Never would Robertson back a Democrat with the same ideologies as Giuliani.

Hypocrisy abounds...and Robertson is at the forefront.


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