Down my Alley

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Holiday Movie Season

Well, as my loyal and trusted readers know, I regularly post about movies (although I haven't done a good list or even review for a bit...I'll remedy that shortly though). With the holiday season upon us (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's), I figured I'd let you in on my "Must See" list from now until the end of the year. I'm not going to rank them, and will list them in order of release date. I will then say a few words about each (at which point you can easily infer an order of interest). Ok, on with the show....


American Gangster (11/2) - Denzel Washington (the gangster) and Russell Crowe (the cop) go back and forth as one tries to take down the other. Has the appearance of a good gangster/cop movie. Keeping my eyes on the reviews for this one.

Beowulf (11/16) - Robert Zemekis directed CGI movie. I have always liked the story of Beowulf, and have seen many very poor films about it. This one appears to have a budget and a good director, so I am very hopeful.

The Mist (11/21) - Film based on a Stephen King story. Stephen King's writing is so excellent based on the psychological aspects of his characters and that often translates poorly in film. A close eye will be on reviews for this film. It has the makings of a good suspense film.


I Am Legend (12/14) - A remake of The Omega Man (never seen it) starring Will Smith as the last human left on earth. Basically this is a vampire movie (as I understand it). I've liked Will Smith in most of his movies and look forward to this one.

National Treasure: Book of Secrets (12/21) - Sequel to National Treasure with Nicholas Cage. The original was one of the best adventure movies to come around in a long time, and was super fun. I am expecting more of the same from this one. Likely a theater viewing with the family.

Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (12/25) - A sequel of sorts to AVP. The original was ok (could've been better), but this one looks like a step in the right direction. From early trailers, this one doesn't try to set up a plot, but just lets the badguys go at it. This is a theater experience with my brother (it'll happen, budget be darn).

Now, there is a distinct possibility I missed a major release. It is also possible there is a movie that just hasn't been hyped yet that may pique my interest. Regardless, these are the films of interest coming out before 2008 hits the calendars. Let me know your thoughts.


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