Down my Alley

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Amazing Race

This past Sunday was the season finale for the Amazing Race: All Stars. This continues to be the one (and only) reality show I make a point to watch on a regular basis. It's also about the only one I've considered applying for. Anyway, with that said, I normally pick a team (or two) to root for and a team (or two) to root against. My requirements for rooting for a team are (in order):

1) Nice to each other...the teammates have to encourage, or at least not argue;
2) Nice to others...I'm a little more lenient here, but try not to be malicious and insulting
3) Be point in rooting for people that are going to lose early
4) Understand that it is a game...teams that take it too seriously are not much fun

With those stated, I had been rooting for the beauty queens this season and rooting against Charla and Mirna (cousins) below. The beauty queens were almost always (one spat is all I remember) supportive of each other; were never malicious; competitive; and understood it was a game (plus, they are beauty queens and I'm a guy). Charla and Mirna on the other hand, always argued, insulted other teams (despite getting pissed if other teams picked on them); they were competitive; took it way too serious.
The winner of the Race was Eric and Danielle. This team probably suffered the worst luck, but still won. They had awful luck at airports, and were yielded twice. They argued and insulted other teams, so I didn't root for them, but they did persevere and were less annoying than Charla and Mirna. Despite the bad luck, they rarely did the "woe as me" thing.

I'm looking forward to next season.....maybe I'll be in one in the near future.


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