Down my Alley

Monday, March 05, 2007

"Dags...I like Dags"

The title comes from the movie Snatch (a surprisingly funny movie). For those of you who are completely unfamiliar with this film, I am referring to dogs in this post. In fact, I have been in charge of taking care of some dogs since Thursday night. My roommate was out of town this weekend, and asked if I could feed and water her dog. Since this required going nowhere and very little effort, I readily agreed. After taking her to the airport, our neighbor stopped by and asked for my roommate. I told her (our neighbor) that she (my roommate) was out of town. She (my neighbor) asked if I could feed and water her dogs. I said "uh...sure." So, this weekend I fed and watered a black lab and two golden retrievers.

Previously (ie a couple of weeks ago), a pharmacist friend asked if I could take care of her dog today and tomorrow while she was interviewing for a job. I said "uh....sure". So today and tomorrow I get to feed, water, and take out (ie, let her use the bathroom) a black lab mix. There is the possibility of repeating this experience next week, too.

I've never really considered myself a "dog person" (but I much prefer dogs to cats...I don't understand cat or "cat people"). If I were to be living by myself, I would probably like a dog around. When I own a house and have a yard, I will probably own a dog (primarily outdoors...I hate dog hair on furniture....and they get smelly). I guess I'll consider these experiences my trial/training period.

For you people who only read this for movies: Recently viewed, Flags of our Fathers (really good) and Zodiac (pretty good).


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