Down my Alley

Friday, September 15, 2006

Rockstar....Not for me

Last year, I enjoyed watching the TV show Rockstar:INXS. For those of you unfamiliar with the Rockstar show, think of it as American Idol with good music and the winner gets to front a band (instead of doing the solo thing). Another difference is Rockstar had contestants from all around the world. Anyway, last year was really good and I've actually liked the 2 singles released by INXS since the show (Pretty Vegas and Afterglow).

Anyway, I've watched this season of Rockstar: Supernova. As a whole the quality of singers has been less, but as the number dwindled, the final few weren't too bad. Of the final four, I enjoyed 1 alot, didn't mind 2, and really disliked 1. In the finale (this past Wednesday), the band made a series of cuts, dropping the (in my opinion) second best singer (Magni), then proceeded to drop the best singer (Toby). Then they proceeded to choose the worst of the singers to front them. Throughout the entire competition, the winner (Lukas) was never in trouble of going home (based on voting), but I never, ever liked him. So basically, what I'm saying is that I will probably not get too excited about any music put forth by Supernova.

All I can say is I hope Toby gets his own band. He rocked!


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