Down my Alley

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Video Gaming....

OK, I've not really been working over the past several weeks. Instead, I've been hanging out, bowling, and playing video games. With my future departure from the state, my brother and I swapped some video games. With the plethera of these games and God of War (which I bought), I've had plenty of things to do. Here's a list of the games that I've beat in the past couple of weeks.

Sniper Elite - 3rd person shooter that places an emphasis on sniping (right up my alley). The follow the bullet camera for headshots was frickin' sweet.

God of War - greatest hack-n-slash ever. Unbelievably fun. I see why it was considered Game of the Year by many places last year.

Indigo Prophecy - very unique. Think of playing a character in a movie, and thats how this game feels.

Call of Duty 2: Big Red One - awesome first person WWII shooter. Gives you the feel of being in a squad, but not in command of the squad. Fun stuff.

Almost done with...Rygar - another hack-n-slash game. The story sucks, but the gameplay is ok. I'm getting a bit annoyed with it.

Well, I still have a couple of other games left, but for the time being, I think I'll settle for some mutliplayer action with my brother. Gaming is fun!!

PS. Today is my final day as a non-Doctor! How's that for cool?


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