Down my Alley

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Ready to Graduate...and a movie review

First off, I am now ready to graduate. I have turned in all required paper work, my application for graduation has been approved, and I am just hanging out until it happens. Now, aside from that I still have plenty left on the to-do list. I need to sign up for the NAPLEX review. I need to apply to get licensed and sit for the boards. I need to get hired by Walgreen's or Wal-Mart (no CVS's in Denver). I need to find a place to live next school year. I need to buy an I-pod (smart investment considering all the studying and lab work I'm going to be doing over the next 5 years). So see, still plenty to do.

Now for the movie review. Last weekend, I rented King Kong. I did not have great expectations going in. In fact, I recall telling my dad when it came out in theaters, "Who exactly was wishing that they would remake King Kong?" And after viewing the film, my thought still stands. It was visually stunning. I mean the film looks amazing and great, but the story line had nothing new. I knew the premise of the movie and know what happened in the original. Sadly, nothing new was really brought to the story. It was relatively predictable and uninspired. I actually was bored with it. So in the end, I would say aestethically (misspelled?) pleasing (it did have Naomi Watts in it....), but not very good. I give it 2 out of 4 stars and a thumbs down.

There it is. Thanks for reading stay tuned for more about me....


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