Down my Alley

Friday, June 08, 2007

Pre-Peterson posts...

First, let me apologize for the delay in posting. I've been crazy busy. So that means that I've put posting on the back burner and forgot about it. I guess that means my posting got burned (that happens when you leave something on the back burner too long). Well, I'm basically only making a post today, so that I can claim that I posted. I will attempt to get into a more regular posting routine.

I know that I've made the promises like this in the past. And in all likelihood, this will be short lived. Anyway, this is just a post to satisfy the public.

Well, tomorrow I bowl the Peterson. It's always an interesting and fun tournament. I'll attempt to make a post about the on-goings in Chi-town this weekend.

That's all. Hope you enjoyed.


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