Down my Alley

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Doing work on my own

Ever since classwork ended and rotations started, I have been responsible for doing all my own work for every assigned project. Now, in acutality, I have always been responsible for doing the work, but I've had assistance in ensuring it was done. During classwork schooling, most projects were group projects and I allied myself with some diligent workers. In fact, we had a great group. Even the non-group work was the same for each of us and I worked with the same people to get our individual work done (co-operative learning...I'm a fan!). Alas, now I am fully and singularly responsible for this work. It is amazing how fast I revert back to doing everything at the last minute. Without my fellow classmates forcing me to do work in advance, I am now stuck doing everything the night before it is due. Now I'm not really complaining about this, because I get my work done and it is generally of decent quality. I am sure it could be slightly better, but in my book a 90% is pretty solid, so why work a lot harder? Here comes my predicament though (I'm not looking for sympathy, because I know my audience here, and I know that I won't get any....I'm just stating facts on how it is): I have two items due on Monday (a careplan and a drug info question), Pt. ed. handout on Tuesday, and a formal case/primary literature presentation on Wednesday. Not too complicated, right? But consider that tomorrow night I'm hanging with the sis, Saturday consists of 8 hours at CVS (2-10pm...a day killer shift), and Sunday consists of church, football, and videogames with the bro, Monday is a bowling night. I'm busy and don't have time for this work stuff....but alas, it has to be done. Oh well, I guess I'll have a few late nights (or cut something fun....late nights are ok by me).

There you have it. The update on me. Please don't let this news keep you up at night.


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