Favorite Video Games: XBOX 360
Video games have certainly gotten a ton better in recent memory. Narrowing my 360 games down to just 5 has certainly been tough. Last September (at my one-year 360 anniversary), I posted my top 5 games/experiences then. This list is drastically different. Again, unbelievably difficult to only put 5, so pay attention to the honorable mentions, as they really aren't too far away from the top 5. To crack this list, the enjoyment of playing the game must be there, the desire to finish the game, and the uniqueness of the game. Here they are, my current favorite video games for the XBOX 360.
5. Call of Duty 2Still the best WWII first person shooter video game. The single player was intense and great fun. However, the fondest memories of this game will always be online sniper battles. Superb game.
4. Assassin's CreedOne of the most unique platforming games to come across consoles ever. Half the fun was simply running around the cities. I'm a big fan of this historical period (Crusades) in literature and film, and playing this time period was great. The combat was phenomenal and the story was interesting up until the very end (took a strange turn at that point). Eagerly anticipating a sequel to this game.
3. Gears of WarThe gameplay alone gets this on the list. The cover system was excellent, the active reloads, and level design was outstanding. Online play was good at first, but I did get burned out on it. I'm anticipating Gears II, but I'm not getting all ga-ga over it. Anyway, still an excellent gaming experience.
2. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Mass Effect (tie)I'm kind of cheating here by giving these two a tie. Both are excellent games, and since both are in the action/RPG category, I'm grouping them together. Oblivion wins for its feeling of setting the world. Just wandering around and discovering new dungeons was superfun. The feeling that you really were in the world was great. However, the main storyline wasn't the best ever, and I found myself enjoying side missions even more.
Mass Effect is just the opposite. I did feel like a part of the universe set up in the game, and I loved in the conversation system. The side missions were relatively mundane, repetitive and not terribly intriguing. However, the main storyline was unbelievably awesome. I had to resist the temptation to just race through the main quest. Quite possibly a better story has never been put to video game lore. I most certainly can't wait until Mass Effect 2 makes an appearance.
And my favorite video game for the XBOX 360...
1. Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfareThis may be as close to a flawless game that has been made to date. The single player levels are intense and cinematic. Getting through this game on Veteran difficulty is a great achievement (I'm on the final level, and can't quite get it done). However, the multiplayer is the reason to keep coming back. Map design is great. If you like to snipe, most maps make it possible. If you prefer close quarters, most maps make it possible. The leveling up system and perks system are outstanding, and keep the game fresh. I don't generally play with the general public (GP) much, but on this game, I play on very regular basis. If you have access to this game, you MUST get it.
Honorable mentions (with short comments): College Basketball 2k8 (my current favorite, but not really a unique experience, just excellent to play); Madden 08 (best Madden to date); Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 1 & 2 (great gameplay, and the most maps ever released for online play); Rainbow 6: Vegas 1 & 2 (perfected tactical shooting from the single player perspective); Halo 3 (it's a Halo, and is ok); Guitar Hero 2 & 3 (makes a musical moron feel like a rockstar, really fun times)
That's all for this favorite video game series. Now, I'll have to think of some other topics. A life update would be good, I haven't done one of those in a little while.
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