Down my Alley

Monday, December 04, 2006

Best of Christmas: Movies

I've decided to do a series of posts: Best of Christmas. Topics most likely will include Movies (today's topic), Music, Traditions, Memories, and possibly others (give me your thoughts on topics). Ok, so now that the intro is over, on to the meat.

Best Christmas Movies (in my opinion)- in ranked order with thoughts

5. A Charlie Brown Christmas - Let's face it, I really like Charlie Brown. The guy everyone can relate too. Plus this is where the reference to a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree comes from, and I use that reference regularly. A good film for Christmas.

4. A Christmas Charol - NOT the classic version!! However, the story is really good. Here are my three approved versions: Mickey's Christmas Charol, Muppets Christmas Charol, and Scrooged. The story is a classic and has a great point/moral. My versions are generally funny. Mickey's holds nostalgic value, Muppets have random kid humor, and Scrooged has adult word humor with Bill Murray when he was still funny. Quality stuff.

3. It's a Wonderful Life - The movie that everyone must see. Probably the only one on the list that I would say that of. Why's it not #1 then? Well, simply because it doesn't have the rewatchability and is not quite as fun as the others, but still a must watch. This movie really only works because you feel so much for the main character. Just an amazing film.

2. Home Alone - The best Christmas comedy ever. This movie is still laugh out loud funny. I could probably watch this ever Christmas and not ever complain. It's hilarious. "Keep the change, you filthy animal."

And the number one Christmas Movie is....

1. Die Hard - Awesome! Set at Christmas, Christmas music on the soundtrack, Santa hat, and "Ho-Ho-Ho" and "Merry Christmas" are said. Amongst all of that Christmas cheer, bad guys, hostages, guns, explosions, robbery, and one butt-kicking Bruce Willis. Gets going and doesn't let up. Unbelieveably high on the rewatchability scale. Best Christmas movie...ever!

Ok. There's my list. Here are the honorable mentions: National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, Santa Clause, and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (1960s cartoon).

Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for my next installment: Best Christmas Music (songs).


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