Down my Alley

Monday, July 16, 2007

I am NOT Tiger Woods

Yesterday, I went with some friends to a driving range. And after 180 balls, I came to the conclusion that I won't be competing for a spot on the PGA tour anytime soon. I did have a fair number of decent shots, but an equal number of poor shots. One thing that is consistent is my slice (ball goes to the right). Almost without fail, I sliced the ball. This has been a problem of mine with golf for quite awhile. In fairness to me, this was my first golf outing of any kind for roughly 6 years.

Anyway, it was fun. I came out with only one blister (on my left hand...thank goodness), and my back doesn't feel too bad either. I would like to get a set of extended shaft clubs and go out a few more times. I dare not play a real round of golf until I have a better feel for how far I can hit a given club. Still, a good time was had by all.

It would take a lot of money and a lot of time for me to get good at golf, but only a little money and some time to get decent (or at least hold my own).

Stay tuned for my Harry Potter 5 review (I saw it on Saturday).


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